mulveling, I was not able to find expression ''gnarly'' in my English
dictionary but assume that you mean ''worn out srews''. Those which
function is to fasten the arm on the collar can be bought as separates. Also with the right Allen key. The original FR screws have
an plastic piece on their ''nose'' to prefent damage on the aluminum
skale or steel parts. I made those myself and glued on the screws
''nose''. I hope you will be able to fasten your ''old B-60'' firmly this
dictionary but assume that you mean ''worn out srews''. Those which
function is to fasten the arm on the collar can be bought as separates. Also with the right Allen key. The original FR screws have
an plastic piece on their ''nose'' to prefent damage on the aluminum
skale or steel parts. I made those myself and glued on the screws
''nose''. I hope you will be able to fasten your ''old B-60'' firmly this