APL Esoteric X-01

Anyone had their Esoteric X-01 redesigned by Alex at APL. Design 1 or design 2.5?
If so what are your impressions?
Thanks, Greg

Showing 2 responses by mmakshak

Actually, Chungted, I was afraid of the conclusion you came to with your APL NWO-2.5, because I suspected that was the case. My analog is just not competitive with my digital. I hope to rectify this in the future, so I can listen to the 2,500 lp's I have. Listening at Alex's might help get me started. My last comparison between analog and digital at Oritek Audio, still had analog ahead in terms of relaxation, but behind cd in detail.
I don't have the money for the cd players talked about here, but I definitely would listen to APL's version. I'm the "When is digital going to get the soul of music" person. I really had no hope for digital, as I thought the medium was inherently flawed. One's and zero's describing music? My best music comes from Alex's Denon 3910(my version). It took out my $10,000 analog(circa 1992). I did not believe this was possible. I also want to mention that Alex seems to listen to what you say, and backs it up. Also, I believe there is a discussion about Alex's version of your player on the APL Hi-Fi site.