Well Greg...its a done deal. The 802d sold (in less than 1 day wow!). Right now I am seriously looking at the Usher be-10. I think their berillium mid and tweeter and fast bass response should be a good match with the XA160. I think I have read somewhere that the Ushers compare favorably to the Wilson but without the price (though they still cost $15K) and weird looks. I think the reviewer on Stereophile also recommends the XA160 with Wilsons. So there you have it. I was also considering the Avalon Ceramique but I have heard that the sound is a bit laid back which may not be a god combo with the XA. I think I am going to give the Ushers a try. Worse case I sell them and keep going with my audiophile insanity!!!!!
When do you think you are going to get the Andras?
When do you think you are going to get the Andras?