On the digital side, I have an ARC CDT-1 transport that has all (4) digital outputs: coax (via BNC), toslink, ATT/ST glass fiber and AES/EBU. I have found that no matter what DAC I have connected that the AES/EBU sounds the best. I have also read that 1.5 meter length AES/EBU cable is optimum. I do not know if absolute phase and/or relative phase matters in the "digital domain", since the data bitstream is just zeros and ones?
On the analog side, unless the piece of gear if "fully balanced" from input to output, there should be little to no sonic difference between balanced and single ended. I really do like the XLR connectors better because they snap and lock in. Balanced makes a BIG difference on LONG cables runs because of it's ability to reduce and reject outside RF and EMI.
On the analog side, unless the piece of gear if "fully balanced" from input to output, there should be little to no sonic difference between balanced and single ended. I really do like the XLR connectors better because they snap and lock in. Balanced makes a BIG difference on LONG cables runs because of it's ability to reduce and reject outside RF and EMI.