@noble100 --
I think our disagreements and differences expressed on this thread can be boiled down to a difference in preferences and priorities. I could go into detail but I believe it basically comes down to both of your top priorities seeming to be the optimum bass extension of your sub systems for HT Bluray 4K Ultra HD audio performance and my top priority being the optimum bass quality of my sub system for 2-ch stereo music hi-res digital music file audio performance. I think both are enjoyable and worthy goals. But why can’t we have both?
Even though I fully acknowledge the impact <20Hz reproduction can have and that there’s plenty of source material to support it, not least watching movies via Blu-ray’s and UHD’s, as I’ve stated earlier I’ve chosen to consciously forego infrasonics in my own set-up. This is due to the nature imposed by design limits mostly, in addition to practical considerations in regards to sheer size; tapped horns, my preferred bass principle, are bandwidth limited to covering about 2 to 2 1/2 octaves cleanly (some would say 1 1/2 to 2 octaves, but it depends on the specific TH design and its weighted parameters within the given fold/expansion/compression ratio), and therefore a lower tune will at the same time "eat away" of the upper range that can be achieved. For those not in the need of a cross-over frequency above 50-60Hz here, 15Hz honest extension (or even lower in-room) can be had from tapped horns the likes of which count Josh Ricci’s monstrous Gjallarhorn V2, the Danley DTS-10 or lilmike’s LilWrecker. Apart from upper range limitations naturally imposed on these designs there’s also size to consider as they climb upwards of 30 cubic feet in volume, not to mention the added weight that follows. Moreover, a lower tune with tapped comes at the cost of sensitivity, though relative to direct radiating designs they are typically still more efficient even when tuned rather low. My MicroWrecker’s have a ~23Hz tune @97dB sensitivity that gives clean extension upwards to about or just below 100Hz, and with a 78Hz lowpass in my system to the mains (36dB/octave Linkwitz-Riley) no irregularities from the upper band of the MW’s interfere in the presentation. Highpassing the mains above some 70Hz has advantages in relieving them more effectively, but the exact cross-over frequency is one to be found with careful listening. A highpass at 20Hz (4th order Butterworth) protects the bass drivers of the MW’s downwards as they unload below the tune (in domestic use mostly to reduce theoretical distortion rather than over-excursion), and so 20Hz is pretty much the "hard deck." With the pair of MW’s this translates to +125dB’s SPL envelope and honest 20-25Hz reproduction. Some may regard such SPL capabilities in domestic environments as insane, but when faced with the effortless reproduction they deliver at any SPL one would care for, even having impact down to 60-70dB’s, it makes perfect sense.
So, my preference and priorities revolve around attaining the bass that best integrates with my mains as well as acquiring prodigious amounts of headroom, and this requires going the (tapped) horn route with massive physical size to follow, as well as bandwidth limitations to consider. Infrasonics make a difference, for sure, but I’d rather attain optimum integration and overall bass presentation, to my liking, and sacrifice <20Hz with the given tapped horn design. Choices, and compromises.. (sorry for lengthy elaboration above).