Are cables really worth their high price because of their geometry?

They’re some pricey cables that have claim to fame because of the high tech geometry used in their cables.
Many of these cables have patents on specific geometry patterns used in their cables and use this as a reason their cables sound so good. For that reason, many say the reason their cables cost so much is they’re so complex . The man hours to make a pr results in their high price. That maybe true for some cables, but I’ve seen very pricey cables using the same geometry reason that look like a thin piece of wire rapped in outer jacket no thicker than a pencil. So,Is all this geometry just another way to justify their cost or is it true science that we are paying in the end?
Is all this geometry just another way to justify their cost or is it true science that we are paying in the end?

Yes. Probably.

Remind me again, why we are still paying any attention whatsoever to these marketing stories? Forty years and still the big secret: Go and listen.

They’ve been twisting wire for over 100 years to guard against interference. Machines are used to do the complex twisting not a lot of man hours unless it’s some 1 man shop. I've never seen any evidence any of the more exotic patterns are more effective. 
@hiendmmoe,I recently upgraded my cables to some 7X the price point. Was it worth it? Absolutely yes. The current cables that I have use a unique build that I have not seen elsewhere. I am stunned every time I listen to the music - because of how they get out of the way and let me hear so much more in a more musical way.

Had I know that the cable made such a huge difference, I would have changed it a couple of years ago.While cable geometry makes a big difference, you also have to count 2 other things - your experience and affordability. When you experience something extraordinary, you are more than wiling to pay for it - if you can. So that goes with affordability. Would I have purchased the same cables if I found them out when I started out in his hobby - heck no - I could not have afforded it, even if I loved to have them in my system. Are there better cables than my current ones? Sure there maybe. If they are cheaper than mine then I can afford them. If they are pricier, them I would rather not think about them and enjoy my current system.
Yes these wires are very complex practically like spacecraft yet there are hundreds for sale on this site at any given time often costing more than much simpler devices like amps and speakers which are much easier to make and much  harder to come by. I guess the wire makers got that very complicated and manually intensive process nailed. The process of selling overpriced overhyped wires that is.
"I've never seen any evidence any of the more exotic patterns are more effective."

Have you heard any difference between the "exotic patterns" & the more common ones?