03-18-10: DertonarmYes, being a SET and high(ish) efficiency owner, I agree. But a lot of the high-end seems follow an inverse law to what Syntax said above
Darkmoebius - and high-end went back all the way to the 1920/30ies and today you have 18W SE-Amplifiers (Lamm, WAVAC etc.) and super expensive full-range drivers and speakers which usually do outperform a Linkwitz-filtered 4 way speaker with a cross-over so complex that what the amplifier actually sees, is not a coil or a "load" but a black hole.....
Same with tonearms (hurray - we are back !!) - there are 30 and 40 year old designs which still can teach most "modern" designs a few things and do.
03-17-10: SyntaxI'm not sure, but I don't think there were the financial equivalent(adjusted for inflation) of $300k Goldmund Reference Turntables, $250k Transrotor Argos TT, $700k Wisdom Audio Infinite Grand speakers, $500k Moon Audio Titan speakers, $375k Goldmund Telos amplifer, $255k Wavac SH-833 amplifier or anything like this website sells
No audio product has ever succeeded because it was better, only because it was cheaper, smaller, or easier to use.
Seems to me that the highest end has gotten more expensive, larger, and not much easier to use. Some of the components at the link above don't seem too easy to setup or use.
In general, though, Syntax's quote applies to just about everything technological - TV's, computers, commodity audio, cameras, etc.