Are Pre-Amps necessary?

With all the advances in digital sources, do we still need a $5,000 pre-amp?

All we need is a switching device and maybe a Phono preamp/RIAA curve device.

Tone controls are another thing of the past. Room correction has taken over if that is something you want to use.

IME this always comes down to cables. I used to know this guy named Robert Fulton who, more than anyone else in the world, founded the high end audio cable industry. He had his special RCA cable that sounded better than the average Radio Shack cable at the time. It was a bit of a revelation...

Here we are 43 years later and cables are still a thing. When you run passive controls you are more subject to the coloration of cables. But there was a tech that was developed to eliminate cable colorations. That is the balanced line system, which has a set of standards that have to be met.

Most manufacturers in high end audio ignore those standards. So we have audible differences in balanced cables too- sparking the question of whether balanced line cables are even better at all. If the standards were being met this would not be a question! But to meet them, you'll need an active preamp to drive them. You can't do it properly with any passive volume device made.  
"...Never heard a pre that "Improved" the SQ compared to "No Pre"..."

Have you tried a Conrad Johnson GAT? 
Different sound for sure. A dac straight to amp seems to be the most pure way to go. I always found my way back to an active preamp. Just sounded more relaxed dynamic and everything comes in place better. Certain music or even most sounds very good dac straight if a little thin. Detailed for sure though. Rock with lots of cymbals just sounded jumbled in comparison. Is it added distortion? Probably. Don’t care as long as it sounds good. 
Passive preamps do offer resolution but after that, not much else in my experience especially with the BeSpoke passive preamp ($10K).  It cannot compete with layering of the sound (vocals - instruments), no space between the instruments & vocals, placement within the sound stage, etc.  It just offers a flat sound stage by comparison.

Happy Listening.