Are warm or colored speakers disrespectful of musicians/producer/engineers?

Sure, they may be pleasing to the ear, but don't non-transparent speakers (and other gear) represent presumptive editing--across the board, regardless of the musicians' intent?
Just a provocative thought.
Let's be nice to each other if this thread takes off.
Like internet radio where everything sounds basically the same? No. I just want my system to convey the emotion and not always sound as if each artist,band,etc. was recorded in the same studio/venue.
only if that gear makes you not want to spend money on new media.

respect = causing commercial success of the recordings. likely i would not much agree with many pro audio guys, but if they viewed my media spend i would be their best friend. they do, and i am.

if you have 50 or 100 trusty recordings that work in your warm system and you are not supporting the creative process then fix it so all kinds of new music turns you on.

otherwise.....enjoy. pro audio guys and artists could care less.
Who could possibly care?
If you enjoy the music the creators are happy.
Are you so full that you so think they are concerned if you heard it through a laptop speaker or IRS V's?.