I understand that for sure...
Some collect cars one after the others...
So no, I’m not disciplined. I didn’t even bother to save the settings I had earlier when it sounded great because I was too eager to try new things.
But i came to audio to understand how to reach acoustic heaven at low price...I dont want new pieces of gear i want a good system to buy new albums like the 100 Montoliu jazz albums , a great pianist...
I learned basic acoustics to solve my problem. Once it is done why bother with new gear ?
it will cost me 15 time my actual basic cost to go better not with a marginal improved S.Q.
Then nothing is right or wrong here with you or with me ...
You listen gear change when you are bored by music , i listen music all day happy and proud of my modified system never bored by it because it is balanced acoustically ... I dont need to do acoustics experiments anymore , i loose my first room. 😊
But i must admit that if i can and younger with more money i would recreate another room with other system...To explore acoustics with different speakers type ... ( acoustics is one of my passion )
You are creative as i was...
It is that music matter more for me now than changing gear ...😊
But in our two situations , you with your next new gear , me with my past systems, we need to use acoustics to create great experience , not just buying gear piece ...
my very best to you then , and i say it with a bit of curiosity about your Horns speakers ... After all i am an audiophile ... ☺😁😊😉