Are You a Swifty?

I am. I think she's great.

And You?


The thread is called, “Are You a Swifty?”  
The people posting here are addressing the question.  
Some say, “yea” some say “nay,” some say, “meh,” etc. etc.  

No transgression occurs, no evidence of some sort of personal flaw is shown when a comment is “nay,” or “meh.”  
That’s just a person (at least, I assume it’s a person and not a bot) contributing to a purely subjective topic.

I am not interested at all by almost all pop music ... Save few exceptions... I am a bot from the jazz and classical threads ...😊

I am ’Crusty Old Audiophile’ and i promote Indian and persian cultures...


Audiophiles population decline because education decline and easy way to have decent sound at low cost in earphone made ’Crusty Old Audiophiles’ as me complete dinosaurus...Especially if this audiophile promote acoustics experiments and readings ... Most young will think that i am crazy because any earphone is enough and cheaper...

’Crusty Old Audiophiles’ are crazy , especially if they listen jazz, classical , persian and Indian...

Can one man be right against million peoples ? Yes i am right against hundred of millions in America, culture and litterature matter ... Sorry for the crowd...

And a manufactured product even when talent is there is only that : a manufactured product... We can appreciate it few minutes as for most pop singer ... A.I. will show you soon ... ☺😊


When i was young i thought that music was  only about personal taste. I was wrong , as litterature, mathematics, or any arts, it is not about tastes only , it is about education...

All painters are not Vinci or Turner or Picasso...

@mahgister I hear what you’re saying but it is virtually impossible to “prove” one work of art is “better” than another.  
I could sit here and drone on and on why a particular piece of music is “good,” with all the academic, musicological, music-theory-vernacular-laden talk regarding a given piece of music, but it’s ultimately still completely subjective.  
I don’t like Taylor Swift, but I will never “prove” that (blank) is “better” because it’s purely subjective.  
I may be able to make a well-formed argument fortified by extensive education but the Taylor Swift fan will say, “oh. Okay…yeah, I still like Taylor Swift more” and they won’t be any more “right” or “wrong” than me.  
Art is not mathematics or science.  
Math may certainly come into play in many forms of music: composition, performance, recording, and maximizing the fidelity of playback, but it is art, not math.

@mahgister I hear what you’re saying but it is virtually impossible to “prove” one work of art is “better” than another.

My point is we must educate ourselves... I dont judge people who like some pop singer ... I can appreciate some others too ... This is not my point at all ...

All artists and all musicians must be respected... Taylor swift had talent as i already say...

But we must educate ourselves  and we cannot listen  all our life to the same few pop artists...


There exist evidence in acoustics research that we appreciate music with our body not with our consumers conditioned intellectualized taste...😊

To explore many different timbre experiences in many different cultures is the way to be deprogrammed from inferior consumers manufactured products... I dont say that it is bad to listen Taylor Swift ... I say that we must not only learned our cultural heritage as Bach and Jazz but others timbre perspectives why ?

Because our brain/body must learned new physical invariant through new timbre experience for new harmonies , read this very important research :

in short :

The real scientific research in Nature :



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