Attention Thiel CS3.7 owners

I am searching for the right amp for these speakers and was hoping to hear from as many 3.7 owners as possible regarding what amp you are using, why you like it and which ones you have not liked. Thanks in advance for your help with my quest..

Cal3713: "And dammit, I don't usually fall prey to people talking up components, but I'm going to have to add a VAC amp to the list of interest. That was effective effusement."

Thanks. I've been told I may have potential as a door to door religious cult rep. Tempting as that may be, the audio cult is more than enough for me, and I've been paying dues ( in the $thousands every year ) for a long time! I'm sure others on this thread can relate.

Anyway, I loved your use of "effective effusement," a term I have not heard before. Thanks for recognizing my effective effusement efforts! Gotta love alliteration!
I looked at it... I would jump on that one, it seems in good shape and it will certainly drive the 3.7s! It's rare to see that model for sale, it won't last long.
Thought I'd give everyone an update. I have purchased a mint-condition Conrad-Johnson Premier 350SA amplifier. It is, without a doubt, the best amplifier I have heard with the CS 3.7's. It bested Bryston, Sanders and Classe's latest stereo amps by a clear margin.

Everyone who's heard it in my system is impressed with the bass, soundstage and layered sound stage. I suppose it helps that this amp is mated with a CJ CT5 preamp. To my ears, the 350 SA lives up to its legend. Martin Collum and Jeff Dorgay are spot on about its strengths and prowess. At 600 watts into 4 ohms, it is utterly undaunted by the 3.7's and manages to lift their considerable load with musical ease. Bass is deep and taut and highs are silky and seductive. One friend said, "I never knew what the Thiels were capable of until now." The 350 doesn't sound exactly like tubes, but it's 95 percent there. It definitely belongs on the "must try" list for 3.7 owners. Some at Conrad Johnson have said the 350 could not be made today for less than $15K. I have no way of knowing if that's true, but it sure beats the new $9K amps I put up against it. Must be all that Teflon!

I never could audition a VAC or the Hegel 30. Maybe one day...

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions.
Congratulations Vhiner!

Feels so good to arrive at a decision with all that excitement and no regrets, doesn't it?

Wish I could hear your system, it "sounds" wonderful.

Enjoy your Teflon-induced aural bliss. These are the moments we live for as audio nut cases! Well, I do anyway.
