AU24e Interconnects - but warmer

Hi Guys,

Wondering if anyone could assist on interconnect cable advice. I recently got some Audience Au24e interconnects (RCA) on Audiogon. Amazing levels of detail, openness and transparency, but with my listening (lots of female voices) it is just a bit too harsh on the upper mid / top end. Eveything else I love about this cable, but I can't live with it. I am using Paradigm Studio 100's v5 with a Marantz PM-15S2 Amp and SA-15S2 CDP. Speakers are quite forward in their character and I have wooden floors (hence needing some warmth). Any ideas on an interconenct that is a bit smoother (and max ~$400 second hand) but still gives good detail (which I love)? I was thinking something in the Cardas range (Microtwin - I have heard this is warm, but perhaps too?, Golden Cross etc?)

Thanks Guys!
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I have some reading and searching to do!

@Kotta RE Bi-wire, I am only running a single run, and have it connected to the high frequency terminals. I have ordered some decent jumpers and when they arrive will move it to the lower frequency terminal to see if this helps, and maybe just try it with the manufacturer jumper as suggested.

My speaker cable is the AU24 and I'll be hanging on to that one. Yes I believed Marantz to have a warm character too, hence the AU24e interconnects. But I think my room is partly to blame, but I have done all I can (rug, heavy curtains) without taking over the downstairs of my place. Plus, the metal tweeter on the Paradigm Studio's (metal tweeter, quite a forward speaker) probably also contributes. But overall, very happy with the speakers.

@Philjolet - Agreed, however I did have a chance to hear the AU24e's in a much warmer system (Quad 606 and Kef's) and they sounded a lot better and quite neutral, but the AU24's really aren't suitable for forward / bright electronics and speakers at all.

@Mechans: Last night I did have a chance to borrow some v.old Cardas 300-B Microtwin's (which are a heap better than the current model) and they added some real warmth! Very musical cables, but I did lose some detail and soundstage, but I could live with it, (however they weren't for sale!).
I agree on the upper mids on the Au24. Thus my interest in Tg Audio - with its killer bass and bass staging (a real weakness in the Au24), it is not as tipped up as the Au24, better stage... better with larger ensembles... BUT I would also recommend looking into Telwire as another option. But I love the TG Audio's stage and hall info myself... side note, the TG sent all my Cardas Golden Ref packing here.

Another thing, the power cables you use on your source and amp can keep the sound you love, and dial back the upper mid thing... I use isolation to get the stage I want, and power cables to help dial in their tone (with out jacking the stage up). So I would also look into maybe keeping the Au24 (for cost reasons) look into AC cords. Just give the Ac cords a couple of weeks to break in if new, and a few days if used, before really deciding one way or the other.
In your case I tend to agree with Ebm. If I were you I'd try adding a rug with thick padding to see if that helps or change the speakers (by the way, are you listening with the grills on as Paradigm recommends?). But that's me.

If you're intent on keeping the Paradigms and toning them down I think the Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference could fit the bill very nicely and fall well within your price range. The original Matrix Reference was fuller/richer sounding with softer treble but still good detail, and the Matrix Reference II is still very colorful but with more detail in the treble range so a little brighter sounding but still not bright. They seem to have a good market here so you can try them and probably sell them fairly easily at little/no loss if they don't work out. Best of luck.