Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems

Capitole MKII users, kindly update on the sonic virtues but also on any repeated technical problems. No forum postings since a week! Have these problems stopped? I understand that some units needed a software update; have these been recalled? Does the performance justify the high price? Please contribute.
Geryn.There is one cd I have used that will tell you wether or not you have the NEW chip.It is the accoustic version of Sting(latest cd).If when the tracks switch and you hear a slight dropout between tracks,you have the old chip.If not,it is the new one.This will let you know without removing the cover.
Sattotthestars: Your post is interesting...Are you referring to the Sting album "All this time", the live album?

I own it and will try it. Why would this CD tell me whether or not I have the new or old chip? Thanks. Please tell me more...thanks
i think the 50 milli-second gap between tracks problem has been fixed with the new chip. When you played a CD where there was no blanks between tracks, the old chip used to put one automatically. From what i understand, this is now gone.....which is a good thing if its true on all discs, and not only sting :)
I have the same problem with the other live albums .. between tracks there is a 1ms audio drop..other then that my CAP is A-1
The only real way to find wether or not you have the new chips is to remove the cover.It is correct,that there are a# of cds that have that casue the Capitole to have this 50 mm dropoff.If it is P chip it is NOT the new chip.Take 5 minutes to find out.