That’s one reason why McIntosh preamps have up to 6 outputs….so you can run many amp/speaker combos
Audio Distribution Control/Units
So I was just thinking, not sure I would do this but am curious incase I ever go this route.
I know some of you might be using perhaps 2 or more Integrated/Amps and multiple speakers. Simply because you like those items and sometimes want to hear different combinations.
But plugging/unplugging all the time between amps/sources/speakers would be a real pain.
I came across a couple of solutions from Decware and MapleTree for distribution boxes that would allow all the equipment to work in different combo's.
Has anyone tried such units (if you have such setups) or any other units that maybe I am not aware of?
The biggest concern of course would be I think, is sound quality. Using such units in your system, you wouldn't your sound quality to be affected just for convenience.