Aww. Thanks! That’s very kind of you to offer. Much appreciated. But I will respectfully pass. Given the attitudes you present, I suspect any referrals you my have would be a waste of time. I would be asking for a refund if I were you as your psychiatrist has clearly not been helping you much.
I wonder, have you ever built any audio gear? I have, a lot of it. And I take issue when people tell me what I can and can not hear. I have a friend, who also builds and modifies gear. He will make an adjustment and then will present the changes to me, every time,it’s a blind test. And yes, every time, I can identify which piece has had the change made. And I’m not just talking about a value of a capacitor for instance, but rather two different brands of capacitors of the exact same value placed in the crossovers of two identical speakers. Yup. 100% of the time I’m able to spot the difference and identify which speaker has been changed. Now, how would I know that if I can’t see what has been done inside if not for the fact I can hear it?
Riddle me that genius…
Perhaps, you should spend some time and learn how to listen to the sound presented by a piece of gear.
I reserve judgement on something until I’ve heard it. I gather you approach things with a closed mind and prefer to jump to conclusions about what works and what doesn’t?
So arrogant to presume what someone else’s skill set is.