Audio nonsense

In this wonderful world of audio that we journey through folks selling stuff have sometimes been inventive in what they claim. In your trip down this road what sticks out as the most ludicrous thing you’ve seen someone try to sell? 

I can point to 2 things. When I first saw a Tice clock in a store I thought it was a gag. Next- Peter Belt. 


"Once and for all. What you think you are hearing is NOT an improvement, it is simply NOT there. It is in your mind."

-Ahh, the expectation bias theory again, boldly touted by the "electronics engineer" measurement crowd. Can’t measure it therefore, not there, yawn.

"Interesting that out of hundreds of these gimmicky snake oil products, noone ever claims that it made the sound worse. Funny...."

-Actually, I have tried things, many times, that made the sound worse. Items including: power conditioners, room treatments, fuses, speaker cable, interconnects, cd treatments off the top of my head. Long term evaluation in your own system is the key, not a quick A/B comparison in yours or an unfamiliar system.

@cakyol , trying to convince these people that their audio memory last about 2 msec is fruitless. Neurophysiology is beyond their understanding. As a group they are sooo easy to take advantage of which is why there is so much garbage on the market. 

Thanx for staying on board in spite of this. There are thoughtful people here you can have an intelligent conversation with.

Speaking of intelligent, whatever happened to Millercarbon? Is he OK?



Well, with that background, you should have been educated in having an open mind. And yeah yeah, that’s great you have that as a background. Nowhere in your resume do you mention listening. That’s what we do, we listen to music. We don’t measure it with a slide rule. And that’s great that you’ve built gear, it’s important to get inside the machines that give us such joy. So, when you built this gear, did you try different quality components in different parts of the circuitry? To see what, if any difference there was in sonic presentation? Did you participate in open minded experimentation and exploration , or was it built like a Lego kit? 

Now, how many of the tweaks or modifications that you take such pleasure in dumping on, have you tried? 

"whatever happened to Millercarbon? Is he OK?"

I understand Tekton MOAB sales are down significantly since his last post.