Audio Note Gaku-on

Does anybody know where I can find a review? I was thinking of buying one next time I go to sleep.

I'd love to read SOMETHING about it other than it's the best in the world. I googled and didn't find a review. Even here there were no hits when running a search.
Strange. I "googled it" and got lots of hits. Try leaving out the hyphen. Anyway I beleive, has what you are looking for. Happy Listening.
There was a long article in Sound Practice regarding this Audio Note Gaku-on.
I believe that Andy Singer of Sound by Singer ran the top Kondo amp in his personal system for a number of years. Send him an e-mail and perhaps he can respond to your question (Andy couldn't be a nicer guy ...).

I dont know which Andy Singer you are referring to, but the dealer in NY has no interest in audio or music beyond the sound of a ringing cash register.