@dducat ,
Aside from going to war with some very reputable equipment makers, people who are directly accountable vs. a faceless brand of high-end gear and Amir and his minions claim a wide variety of skills and capabilities but literally don't know what they're measuring, how they're measuring it / how to use the tools they have and what their measurements actually mean.
Perhaps you would like to expand on who these companies are that ASR went to war over? Do you mean GR Research? You claim that ASR does not know what to measure, how to use their equipment, or how to interpret the results. Then you make a comment about a single speaker and an anechoic chamber. If you are going to jump in on this character assassination, shouldn't you know what you are saying? It took me about 5 minutes of reading the first speaker review on ASR to know they don't use an anechoic chamber. They do not need one. It took maybe 10 minutes to understand why Amir uses a single speaker. Perhaps if you ask him he will tell you.
This is not adult banter @nonoise , this is an out and out attempted character assassination. It is not done in jest.