Audiolab 8200CDQ

Hi. Any Audiolab 8200CDQ owners out there? I just got mine and I'm in my third hour of CD listening. It's going to be a few days before I start throwing 24 bit at it with my laptop. I'm just looking for someone to shoot the bull with about this unit. For me, this thing is like going from a Ford Escort with manual windows to a fully loaded Mercedes. There sure is a lot to this source for the money.
Afranta - sorry I didn't fully answer your question. I will let you know about the software. As far as I know, that's all been worked out. I'm not too concerned about the transport. The technology that went into jitter control on this unit you could keep it on top of your washing machine. It took me awhile to figure out why this was reviewed so well and if all these reviewers were just pals with John Westlake. I think the real deal is that it's just a cutting edge machine at a great deal. For me, it's a 2 year gig in my system. I will not part with my Rogue or my Harbeths, but a source is something that's renting space in my home and it will always be that way.
Thanks, Donjr. Your very informative posts have me thinking that I should reconsider the CDQ!
Audiojedi. Do you keep the volume on the 8200 all the way up and control the volume through your pre amp or integrated?

I've been experimenting with the USB today. I put some 24 bit music that my son has (Michael Jackson laughing) onto my network drive and I'm streaming with my laptop using Foobar 2000. This is all totally new to me. The Audiolab's owners manual is well written yet very intimidating to me because the unit can do so much.