Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio

The post linked below should be a mandatory reading for all those audiophiles who spend obscene amounts of money on wires. Can such audiophiles handle the truth?

Oh, great! Another anti-audiophile blog for and about anti-audiophiles. Shazam!
Oh thank you, defiantboomerang, for saving us again from our own stupidity. Dude, why are you trying to be everyone’s mom? You come on here and immediately start posting stuff as though the rest of us have never read anything about audio and/or are too stupid to figure it out.

How about this: you don’t hear a difference in cables? Great, go listen to music and leave us alone. I make my own cables. I hear differences with different materials, geometries and conductors. I discuss these ideas with others and we all refine our understanding. None of us go out there insisting that you should be using certain cables, we don’t post stuff telling the world how stupid people are who don’t use fancy cables.. we go about our business.

Be secure enough in your beliefs and knowledge to find contentment. If you’re so psychologically fragile that you’re triggered by those who think differently, then that is sad. And unfortunately very common in our society at the moment.

I realize that this post may come across as hypocritical, however I see it as a rebuttal to an attack. Wading into a cable discussion and calling us delusional is not. Discussing, amongst ourselves, something you don’t believe in is not an attack on you. It does not require a rebuttal.

We have cable naysayers on here who can post their thoughts respectfully and leave it be. You, however, are a proselytizing fool lately.

@nonoise +1

@geoffkait  +1

@toddverrone +1

About the only thing I agree with the previous posts are that dealers love to upsell cables instead of paying attention to system synergy between components and listening to what the customer wants to accomplish.  There are times where the $$$ silver cable is not going to be the right choice for a specific system.