Auralic Aries G1.1

I am using the Matrix Element S for wireless streaming to my Lampizator connected via AES. I would be very interested in feedback from those of you who have the Auralic Aries G1.1


Ag insider logo xs@2xletitbe1306

@letitbe1306 yes totally compatible with Tidal connect.


@tammyholt perhaps I am crazy I’ve been able to copy/paste images before. Also the process for images doesn’t seem to work for me. I just clicked the image icon and pasted my URL and nothing happened.




Like @jond, I have an Aries G1 and am quite pleased with it. It's solidly built and easy to use, without the fiddling of Pi-based streamers. I also appreciate the display, which (e.g.) shows the IP address upon boot up -- very useful when setting up the Web-based configuration. Also a nice feature is the ability to hook up a CD drive, thumb drive, or external hard drive via USB.

Whether you would notice a sonic difference from the Element S is another question. Matrix makes very good gear also, in my experience.

I would check with Auralic that the USB output is compatible with your DAC, as I've heard a few horror stories of damage to the Aries G1 from a few DACs. That may have been resolved in the G1.1 model, though.


@jond  Email me at with the URL you are trying to use and I'll answer you back on Monday. Thanks. :)   

That sounds like pure nonsense. I've used two G1's with over a dozen different DAC's in the last five years and never had or heard of a compatibility issue. Typical audio forum BS from users who can't read a manual.