Aurender N100H with PS Audio Directstream DAC--USB output level is very low--any ideas?

I pulled my Aurender N100H out of storage to try with my PS Audio Directstream DAC.  The only output of the Aurender is USB, and when I put it into storage 18 months ago I didn't remember the output being so incredibly low.  I basically have to turn my pre-amp all the way up to get to normal listening levels.  I can't seem to find any output settings/volume leveling in the Aurender software (and don't remember them when I used previous versions).

I have rebooted all systems and ensured all software is up to date.  I have also ensured the USB input volume on the Directstream is all the way up.  Through a mac mini connection the same USB connection has a much higher output level...and pre-amp volume is "normal" as expected.

Any ideas?  Am I missing a setting somewhere on either the Aurender or the Directstream?
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Call Aurender, they have great customer service.
Are you sure there isn't a Mute set somewhere? I had the same issue on my Ayre Preamp. It took me a day to figure it out.
No, the mute works on the DAC anyway, and can't find anything like that on the Aurender.  I'll give them a call, thanks.
Are you sure you are using the audio only usb connection on the Aurender?  If you are using the other one, that could account for the low volume. 
Tried all 3 usb connections and the same result with each, but I was definitely using the one intended for Audio first.  Thanks for the idea.