Ayre QB-9 or Metrum Hex?

I have narrowed my DAC choices. I read good about both. Both have USB 24/192 sampling. I don't think that DSD is a concern of mine at this time. Maybe it should be. thanks in advance.
I agree that the Codex is a solid choice for it's price and value...maybe even a bit too smooth sounding for some :).  It looks like NOS/R2R DACs are coming back in favor these days.  You might want to check out the Holo Spring, Denafrips and Schiit Yggy.  You could also wait to see how the Ayre QX8 stacks up, when it gets released in the fall.  Good luck!
Codex is truly extraordinary and the latest thinking of a great company that seems to always produce timeless gear. There is just something right about it.
I have personally seen it take on different design efforts at all levels
 and at any price. Watching the reaction when it happens is even more gratifying.
Its just more fun to run.
 Best JohnnyR
Audio Connection

I own the QB-9 DSD and have listened to the Metrum Pavane. If the Hex sounds close to the Pavane, then I didn’t really hear anything that made me want to part with the Ayre. However, the Hex is more flexible with regards to digital inputs.

One thing to note, I believe the DSD update to the QB-9 included, among other things, an update to the USB receiver section to make it self-powered rather than draw current from the bus. Might be something to consider if you feel it of benefit.