Azimuth "recording"

I recently purchased a Technics 1210 GAE, and I am loving the detachable headshell.  I have 3 cartridges in rotation 2 MC and one Mono.  I wonder if anyone has any tips on how to "record" azimuth for quick resetting.  I dutifully have recorded VTF, VTA, bias etc. for each cartridge for fast switching - but I am hoping to not have to pull out the test record and fozgometer with each switch  to set AZ when I have other listeners such as my wife present. Usually only happens when I switch from MC to mono and back.

The azimuth for all but one of the cartridges (my mono) is fairly off when fastened to the arm in what I would consider the  "straight" position.  Once the azimuth is properly set the audio difference is very noticeable.  I have though of snapping a photo of the cartridge head on with one of those plastic AZ tools to rough it in for quick switching so I can at least eyeball the angle. Any tips?


The funny thing is that a few years ago I might have said, and did say, that I would not even use a tonearm that did not provide for azimuth adjustment.  Now I am not so sure, because it is as easy to get it wrong by a tiny amouint using the added luxury of an adjuster, as it is to get it right by the same adjuster.
The azimuth for all but one of the cartridges (my mono) is fairly off when fastened to the arm in what I would consider the "straight" position. Once the azimuth is properly set the audio difference is very noticeable.

If you have some problem with azimuth just with ONE of your cartridges, then you’d better buy a headshell with azimuth adjustment to set up your cartridge once !?

Probably your mono is low compliance, so try 18g shell with azimuth and overhang adjustment. Different 15g version here.

There are many nice headshells with azimuth adjustment available used or new.

P.S. you can also change your technics tonearm, look for Reed 3p with azimuth on the fly :)

I hope we can all agree on one point: There is no need to worry about crosstalk with a mono cartridge.  In the case of a mono cartridge, one would only adjust azimuth so as to make sure the stylus is sitting symmetrically in the groove.
@lewm , of course crosstalk is a problem with mono cartridges. Mahgister will tell you it is between the positive and negative pins:-)

@chakster , This is off topic but I was just given a pile of old 78 RPM records. Do you have any recommendations for a 78 RPM mono cartridge? I have no idea what to get, just stabbing in the dark.