Bad recordings and high end audio

Hello. Have decided that the kids are out of the house and I can dedicate some space and money to my long ignored hobby. What is different now is there are so few audio stores. I firmly believe in listening to products so thus I start this great new chapter of my life. The first 2 stores I went to the people were very patient with me and I listened to a ton of combinations. They asked me did I want to hear anything else and I said  yes, ummm,.. how about Led Zeppelin? I received the same response from both stores which was “all Led Zeppelin recordings are horrible” except for this one version of Led Zeppelin 2…blah blah. So I said what happens if I am at home and i have a desire to play Led Zeppelin or another perceived poor recording? They did not have an answer for me nor did they play Led Zeppelin lol . I ended up ordering a pair of Magnepan 3.7i’s from a different store. 13 weeks until I get them, ouch. I am going to guess that people do listen to poor recordings on great systems because you just want to hear a particular album, right? Or am I missing something? Just looking for a bit of insight. Yes, I know they want it to sound the best so I will buy it but is that the only motivation. Or maybe they hate Led Zeppelin, lol.
@robert_1 rock will not be my main  genre of music. This all started because I was asked at 2 dealers in a row what else they could show me. I went through the different music I had heard and thought…hmmm…what about Led Zeppelin. They told me no lol.  
I have 1,600 Afro-Cuban LPs. This stuff is known for not exactly rolling off the presses in good shape. Thankfully, my high end setup makes these pressings sound ... better, usually much better.
OP  I am 69. When I was about your age I upgraded my system. In part because it was time and I didn’t think I would be able to afford upgrades in retirement. I was really happy that I did because I immediately began enjoying my system at a much higher level than ever before. Then I retired and after a couple years I upgraded my headphone system to 300b tubes and realized my main system was much too sterile. Also, in the mean time I had been managing my money in retirement  and realized I could afford to upgrade. I doubled the investment in my system. Wow, I can’t tell you how gratifying the jump in performance has been. Also, its value has now grown to investment level. My audio guy is instructed if I die soon to sell it all, take a cut, and give the rest to my partner… which should be a substantial amount of money. At some point your system is actually worth money and you can enjoy your investment.
The old demos I listen too, are simply hideous, my system is very revealing, and reveals every flaw, 90% of the old demos I listen to are just scum and sound like a band playing in a garbage can!

 Some older metal bands sound amazing and sublime!
  The recording is the answer!
many of my old releases sound great!
 Tank, Motörhead, Raven, Samson, Y&T, onslaught, sodom, venom (hahahah usually always bad) 
  So what, if it’s music you love, then listen!!
 I have a box of old demo tapes I traded with several buddies from the U.K., including Shane Embry from Napalm death, whom I met through trading addresses from metal maniacs, metal edge, and hit parader magazines in the 80’s and 90’s!
   I still play them, and enjoy them, 
if it sounds poor, so what, listen to what u love!!

  Many of my old cd recordings sound poor, even my first Humble Pie album, has poor sound, what. 
 Listen to what you like, and enjoy it!
    I listen to accept through ZZ Top,....metal, rock, tons of blues, 
just enjoy the music my friend!

 I listen to BATHORY, which is a poor and seriously bad recording, sounds like Quorthon playing through a garbage can, and also , I listen to many Japanese SHM CDs, and blue spec -2 CDs, which sound superb! Gary Moore, numerous shm CDs in metal titles. 

 Just listen and enjoy what you love!  90% of music is recording dependent, I have records and CDs from the first ones made on the mid 80’s to newer , and many old records, to (only a few) of the 2010 or newer pressed records, which most sound like tripe garbage!

   I don’t know, I drop the needle, and press play on my CD player to so many bands, , many sound like horse apples, many sound superb and more or less, poor, good, great, superb, etc etc. 

 long winded post I know,..l.l.just listen to your music, and don’t worry about being some silly audiophile with the useless words, ....airy, air around instruments,  3D etc,.....whatever,”!

 Drop the needle on an LP, PRESS play on a cd, or press play on a cassette recorded to cd.

 Just enjoy. 
I have so many metal recordings on tape to cd, LP to cd, etc,..

enjoy the music, that is all!!

 Currently, I’m listening to a Destruction 7” of whiplash (metallisnatch) cover.  I recorded it to my. Hard drive , and cleaned it, recorded it to a taiyo yuden cd, and even it sounds subpar, I love my music!

 Just listen to your tunes, and don’t listen to what others think!!
