Baffled and Frustrated: Streaming/DAC Sound Issues

Hoping to find some guidance here regarding a significant noise issue. Running Quboz through Roon. Relevant Gear is an Auralic Aries G2.1 > Morrow USB cable >Aavik D280 DAC > Wywires Platinum RCA >Anthem STR.  

Previously had some issues with the Aries but that’s hammered out and sounding great.  Now, when running many songs through the DAC, I’m hearing terrible “crunching” distortion.  There’s very little consistency in the problem (loud Pink Floyd sounds great, loud Motley Crue sounds like garbage) except most hard rock/metal, which i started putting on per Morrow Audio’s recommendation for burning in their USB cable, is always terrible.  Volume is irrelevant, I’m getting the noise at sub-30db. The 4 DAC settings: upsampling/ non upsampling/fast/slow don’t change anything. USB cable isn’t likely the problem, it sounds great from streamer to amp without the DAC.   I’m running out of settings to change around.  Anyone have an educated guess or experience with either the output settings from the Aries or D280 setup that can provide any guidance?  Dealer wasn’t very helpful.


Thanks much,



I’ve just been reading about "intersample overs" and how they can cause some dacs to "spaz out" on certain tracks. I vaguely understand that if there is a sample that corresponds to minus zero dB in the digital signal, or close to it, the resulting analog waveform can actually exceed minus zero dB, which can cause the output stage to go into clipping or compression. Some dacs have headroom to handle it, some don’t. This matches my experiences, where I’ve had to digitally attenuate some tracks by as much as 6dB to avoid clipping lights coming on.

The dacs that spaz on these overly compressed or too loudly recorded tracks can be called "revealing." One argument is that this is all the fault of the recording because anybody who actually knows what they are doing would never include samples approaching so closely to minus zero dB. We have lots of headroom in digital so there’s no need for it.

@audphile1  mentioned making sure sample rate in Roon settings match what your DAC is capable of, and this was a problem I had.  Better matching of those levels fixed it for me.  Worth a try.

Thank you all for the responses.  Hopefully I’m getting back to all your questions.  I’ve been traveling this past week so I’m a little behind on testing all suggestions/providing updates.

@tony1954 My original issue with the Aries G2.1 was twofold: crappy initial USB cable and settings on the Aries that caused a dirty vinyl-like popping noise.  Eventually found the secret-sauce to get good sound.  The Aavik was added just after (intended to bring it all to another level but that has not yet worked out). Also, yes, I would be concerned that my DAC was simply boycotting crappy music if the issue only came up playing 80s hair-metal. Unfortunately, there are problems with numerous genres so I will need to address it. 

@phastm3 I’ve tried running with and without ARC (room correction) and the issue is identical

@audioman58 Issue has been identical with two USB cables, only difference is one cable is much higher quality than the other. I’d be pretty surprised if this is a cable issue.

@audphile1 same problem w/ w/o Roon and ARC room correct. I’ve been traveling so I haven’t been able to test out your suggestions regarding upsampling etc.. on the Aries.  I’ll be testing that one I get back home this weekend.

@wlutke I suspect you’re on the right track checking V rms (a term I needed to google).  There might be a compatibility issue Aavik DAC to Anthem STR.  The noise sounds like it’s “overloaded” creating significant distortion on some, but not all, tracks.

@erik_squires thanks for the suggestion, I’ll try that out and report back

FYI, I owned a Aurlic Aries G2 for about a year. While I didn’t have this problem, I had problems and go tired of them. I moved to Aurender and now own two, and have even better sound quality and no problems,