Basis vs.VPI

Anyone have any experience comparing and contrasting the Basis 2200 with vector arm with the VPI HRX with 12.7 arm? (Using them in a system that includes Maggnepan 20.1 and Audio Research tube pre and power amps.)

Thanks in advance.
Apparently, no one has listened to both. Does anyone have any experience with the long term quality of the two brands?
You’ve hit on the biggest problem today with analogue and that is making valid comparisons between different components. Unfortunately I don’t experience with the two you specifically reference. I have owned both a VPI and a Basis table so I can offer that up even though it’s not really a fair comparison since the two are at the opposite end of their respective product lines. I did use the same arm and cartridge in the period of overlap where I owned both tables.

I started off with a VPI HW-19 Mk IV with the stand alone motor (sama). This was my first venture into audiophile tables coming from a decidedly mid-fi Technics belt drive that was awful. The VPI didn’t solve one of the main problems I had and that was isolation from the springy wood floors in my 1928 frame house. I had to tip-toe around to avoid sending the stylus flying. The other issue I had with the VPI was the motor needed rebuilding every two or three years. VPI was great about it and never had to pay for the service but it was annoying.

When I got to the point where I was ready to upgrade I looked past the top of the line VPI TNT and went for the Basis Debut. The build quality and the suspension are in a different league. No regrets here. I know guys around town that also have various Basis tables that range from a highly tweaked 1400 to vacuum Debut’s. They all have the same superlative build quality and have recommended them to friends looking for a table.

That said, there are other interesting alternatives in today’s market that should be considered. The Raven is good if you don’t need the isolation the suspension can provide as is the Galibier which would be my top choice in a non-suspended table. The SOTA is also good choice in the suspended category even though they have flown well below the radar for the last few years.

The bottom line is that there is no definitive answer to your question. Even if someone had evaluated both tables in their own system, ascertained the differences and came to a conclusion, there’s no guarantee that you would come to the same conclusion. There’s too much personal preference/bias in the process. Same holds true for the reviews you read in the audio rags.
I have had alot of exposure to VPI all through the years,at many friends' homes.Also,I too like Basis...but...

Basis is very costly,though quite good(an understatement).I appreciate their upgrade path,and a good vacuum system is still very effective.Personally,I cannot for the life of me figure out why SO many hugely expensive "high mass" designs with NO true clamping system can be so popular?

Anyway,the current crop of VPI products(especially their better offerings) are superb!The HRX "fully maxxed out" is about as good a table/arm "system" as anyone is likely to need(as in hear)!

One thing about "quality" in tables,not particularly mentioned often enough....

Be wary of those mfgrs who do not make a "Quiet" system!With today's ultra high resolution cartridges and phono stages,even the slightest buzz,or hum can affect our music...

In my experience,with the monies asked today,one should expect a noise free product....that stays that way!!

Good luck...either way,you should be quite happy with your choice.
You should read the technical papers from Basis, you can learn from them. When you think, other manufacturers have the same standard (knowledge, precision, thinking about what-is-responsible-for-what), or better, well, then you have your answer.

I went from a HW-19 IV to a Basis Debut Vacuum/Vector arm combination. I later added a separate power supply/motor control unit. This is a terrific table, though the VPI was no slouch either.

The vacuum clamping system is a particularly nice feature with the Vector. It is amazing how well this dampens vibrations from the vinyl itself. If one places the arm in a groove with the table at a standstill, a fairly hard tap on the record near the stylus with a pen or other object will produce little output from the cartridge compared with doing the same thing with other tables.

The VPI offers a rim clamp, but, I am not a fan of those tricky to use devices. They just offer too many opportunities to accidentally hit the cartridge with the clamp or to set the needle down in the wrong place and have the needle snagged by the clamp.