Beat This Track!!!! (For Soundstage effect)

Chesky Records, Jazz Sampler Audiophile, Test Disc  Volume 2, Track 47.

1.31 minutes.


Please submit the name/details of any track you know of that has a bigger sound stage.


Winner get free divine insights from yours truly.


Yes, I am the final arbiter.




When I play Holst,  The Planets, Venus is 300,000,000 miles off to the left.


The effect the OP feel with some album is dependent of his own acoustic settings not only from the recorded album by itself...

Put the same piece in another room/system and the soundstage will change...

Try to listen track from beside your back head like i suggest with some recording....Or instruments and voices around you or beside....

People think that the "sound" is canned in the recording like a soup ready to taste from a can....Acoustic of the room ( geometry,topology,acoustic content) is almost half of the conditions acting on a soundscape with the recording engineer choices in his album...


I guess it depends on whether one wants a natural sounding soundstage, that is a result of good recording methods and techniques, capturing the existing ambient and spatial cues of the venue where the performance is occurring. Or soundstage created in the studio, that does not actually reflect a real acoustic space.

While I like both types, IMO, the most satisfying, is the preproduction of an actual soundstage, recreated by good recording methods, that have captured the spatial cues of the acoustic space where the performance is taking place.

For example, an average classical recording, has a more realistic soundstage even the best rock, pop, country, recording. Jazz recordings are also likely to have a natural soundstage.

I own a recording on the label Varese Sarabande of he LA Chamber orchestra performing 2 great pieces ("Static and Ecstatic" & "Kitharaulis") by modern serial composer, Ernst Krenek. The soundstage on this recording is amazingly 3d and open. While listening, I can easily imagine myself getting up, and walking among the musicians in the soundstage my system transports me to. Musicians extend well beyond the wall behind my speakers, and well beyond the outer edges of my speakers.

I also own other modern classical recordings on the Nonesuch label, by composers such as Elliott Carter, Joseph Schwantner, Stefan Wolpe, Charles Wuorinen, that have comparable natural soundstages.

Musically, these recordings are modern, serial, atonal, dissonant, and overall, ’thorny’ sounding classical, so, YMMV.

For jazz, it is tough to beat the ECM label. Even though most of these are recorded in the studio, they are done with minimal studio effects, and have a very natural soundstage. Both vintage vinyl recordings, and contemporary digital recordings, have a very good soundstage.


Most people dont recognize the acoustical impact of our own room in the rendition of the CHOICES and TRADE-OFF in the original room or studio recording by the engineer...

Perfect recording DONT EXIST........


These 2 acoustics the original one and our own room mix together...

Not only on the count of imaging and soundstage but more importantly also about the timbre of voices and instruments...


There is 2 possibilities :

First you own an OPTIMALLY acoustically controlled room...The state of the art...

But this will cost way more than the costlier audio system...

Second you can study acoustic and use his principles to manage your own room et low cost...

I can in my room at will direct the sound and completely change all imaging, soundstage timbre and others acoustic cues...

In some recording i can have an out of the head headphone effect, all music surrounding my head but not in my head like an headphone...

In some other voices coming from back and front simultaneously...

In some recording the instruments are beside me on each side...

In some others the music fill in the room , not from back or beside me not between the speakers, but float in the room...

Acoustic is Queen...

The choices of pieces of gear which we own for most of us really dont matter more than acoustic matter at the end...The only exception is very bad piece of gear,,,,