Benz Micro H2 or Grado???

My system:
Rogue M150's
VPI TNT 3 w/ JMW 10 Tonearm.
Magnepan 3.6

My Question:

I had a +/- $300 Grado Cartridge which I broke (because I am an idiot).

The upside of the Grado was that I needed the output (4.0 mv). Now I am ready for a change. Which Cartridge do I get. I want to limit the question to Benz or Grado because Ibelieve the predominant winds shift around these two high output cartridges. needs to stay around $1000.


My system:
Plinius Cd-Lat
Aesthetix Io
VPI TNT 3 w/ JMW 10
Wisdom Audio D75's

I recently bought a Benz H2 for my VPI rig and I am very happy with the combo. The Benz tracks extremely well and has a somewhat laid back presentation. It doesn't seem to put it's signiture into the equation. Additionally the VPI/Benz extracts tons of info from LP's and pesents a large, deep soundstage. Also note,the H2 can stand up to the detailed nature of the Maggies. I am in the process upgrading my system around my last two purchases (Wisdoms and the VPI). While I've got some holes to fill in the chain, the H2 isn't one of them.
There is no way a Grado can compete with a Benz wood series cartridge. I have owned both and still own the L2. Hands down winner. Yes the Grado might have a "lusher" midrange, but it doesn't have the tracking ability, transparency or articulate bottom of the Benz.

Well, as always, we get confident votes for each of them. I have not heard the Benz, but was really pleased with the $1100 Grado. So could the tone arm match be the deciding factor for each?
Ozzy...No way! really? I beg to differ. You didn't mention the grado model for comparison.
I only had the Reference Platinum. I have heard the Sonata, but not in my system. I'm not knocking Grado, a lot of people like them. But it's the Grado house sound that's not my preference.
