Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker?

Magico A-1, Focal Sopra No. 1, TAD Me1?

Wife demands a small speaker no more than $15K.

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TAD ME-1, Alta Alyssa, Sonus Faber Guarneri G5 or Electa Amator, Joseph Audio Pulsar 2 Graphene.....not a miss in the bunch

Sopra 1 the best audio purchase I’ve made


B&W = dry, unnatural balance

Buchard = does not play with the big boys

Persona B = they’re in my closet

KEF = meh

Dynaudio = dry lifeless

 Vimberg = matched or beaten by Sopra

Solid information from all. Thank you! 

In non bookshelf I am also considering the Zu Druid 6.

Anybody know that one?

Well if you're now considering towers, that opens up a whole new batch of great speakers.....recommendations so far were for bookshelfs