Best amps for Totem hawks?? please help

Can someone recommend a good Integrated amp with these speakers...I am having trouble driving them.I Prefer a European amp if possible as I know some will tell me to go buy a Krell or Bryston. I hate those amps. too dynamic and stale.

Please advise.
If you would consider tubes, audition a Rogue Cronos. I've heard the combination and it was jaw dropping.

Hearing that little integrated with the Arros had me rethinking my combo of Rogue Zeus and Thiels. It was a very engaging, musical set up and very attractive in terms of price and physical space.

A friend is absolutely in love with his Cronos driving a pair of Hawks.
This one's easy.

On the affordable side: you'll want to get into either the Rega Mira 3 or the Vista Audio i34.On the more expensive side of town, the BAT VK300x or the Blue Circle FtTH integrated amplifiers will get the job done well.

The key is finding a warm sounding piece with low damping factor that mixes a unique combo of speed and linearity with a slight pinch of 'warmth'. The above amps form a great synergy with your Hawks - a speaker that is quite picky about what it'll play nice with.
I drove my totem arros to perfection with my unison UNICO integrated. I will just bet its eighty watts or the one forty of its younger bigger brother, the UNICO SE, would be amazing with hawks. Slightly less quick than the naim gear I used to own ( so is everything else except densen) but with fuller and more present mids. Sam tellig has to be right occasionally- and with the unico he was! Terrific.
Last amp I need to check out is Musical Fidelity A5.5....the price to performance looks unbeatable. Lot's of power for a great price.

If it sounds as good as it looks I will take it.

Thanks everyone!!
Bobrock - read here for one critic's comments about the A5 - predecessor to the A5.5.

I couldn't agree more.