Best and Worst customer service?

My vote goes for Sonic Frontiers, as Best! I was contacted within an hours, after e-mailing a question. Wery friendly and helpfull!(they can count me-in on the next purchase) Thw Worst? Linn audio! It's been over a month since i submited a Q! I am stll e-mailing the question...i am sort of amused by now!


I let them know there were only 5 days left on the warranty, could I please send it in. Silence, they totally ignored my request for warranty service. That was 6/22.

There’s no excuse for that. They owe you service as long as you can document that they were notified of the trouble prior to the warranty expiration. I hope you press them to make things right.

I've gotten excellent service from Coda, Von Schweikert, and Linear Tube Audio. 

Pass, Ayre, Conrad Johnson are exemplary.  My experience with Cary was underwhelming to say the least. 

I must admit that I have been very fortunate to have never had any issues with any audio manufacturers. In no particular order I can say that my experience with the following companies have been stellar.


Backert Labs




Dr. Vinyl

Delve Audio