Best Audiophile chair around $200

So, what's the best chair out there for $200 or less? I like to have a headrest. What are your thoughts on headrests? Do they jack up imaging because of funky reflections going on right behind your ears. I don't care too much about waf. Also, what are your thoughts on foot rests and thier affect on sound? Thanks for your input!
Thanks everyone! I wondered if I was going to get some sarcastic responses, or even any at all. It's interesting to see split responses on the Ikea chair. GeoffKait thought it was horrible, yet that's what Milpai uses and he has a nice looking set up. Funny, jaxwired, it's okay to have a headrest, just don't use it! I'm really surprised that with how it seems like there are endless possibilities with everything else in this hobby, why not any reasonable priced, well damped chairs with a footrest and headrest just large enough for your head, but with no area outside your head?? Anyways, I'll look into all the suggestions, and please keep the responses or follow up responses coming! Thank you :-)
Oh, and a side note. Samhar, Milpai, and jaxwired, all of your systems are awesome! Very very nice, even though I don't have a clue what it is - lol. You fellas are on a different plane than I, jaxwired, in my opinion and for my taste, you have the nicest "looking" system I have seen, ever. It oozes class. Well done to all three of you!
Dang it Tpreaves, on to my diabolical schemes yet once again! I figured I'd start with the chair question and ease my way into the address question mid thread, based on which Ikea people are shopping at! You know, all this would be much easier if you would just join me on the dark side, where we all know the music sounds better as there are less distractions anyways ;-)
One that does not have ahead rest or any backing above your shoulder level, otherwise you will be hearing echo. So look for something without a head rest.