Best for Classic/Progressive Rock and Blues

Hello all, looking for thoughts and recommendations for some “as close to audiophile as you can get for $1,000”  used or new speakers that would be driven by my NAD C375BEE.  I will be streaming only, at least for now.  I have some Thiel 1.6’s and they just don’t seem to fit the music I play most often. The setup will be in a 20x15’ living area with a vaulted ceiling; along the 20’ wall.  Any input is appreciated. 


Thanks everyone for the great information. I appreciate you taking the time to respond!

@elliottbnewcombjr are you in the AZAVClub ? We are are doing a DAC it Out event on the 27th of April. Whether you are or not, please attend if you have the time.

details here 10am - 4pm




thanks for the invite. 

I cannot come, I live in New Jersey, and know absolutely nothing about streaming except YouTube via my PC


The original xover is part of the magic of those models. They are not designed for inductors like the Gravesen design. The way the drivers overlap in frequency ranges above 1500hz is key to their powerful sound. I still enjoy mine.