Best Home HIFi you’ve listened to


A general question on a “Total System” that YOU have heard at a buddies or acquaintance home. ( not a one night stand at audio show or retailer)

Is there a best system you have heard, that you consider darn near the best you can achieve ?  Or just the best sounding home system that a friend has, and you have spent some wonderful time with ?

or Maybe yours ? 

What kind of system was it ?  Components, etc 

Is there truly nirvana at a home 




About 2 years ago I got to hear Magico M5 speakers with Convergent JL-5 amps and SL-1 preamp at Ken Stevens' place.... spectacular comes to mind.



I love my system in my space, and prefer it to my friends systems,

however, I have heard several better LISTENING SPACES than mine.

Not crappy hotel rooms with sky high priced equipment, but one setup in a church converted into a home; one huge Victorian home with a large room, tall ceilings, combined with an alcove behind the speakers. A few dealer demos in special spaces, not typical showrooms.


At this time, I'd have to say my own system is the best I've ever heard. Only due to some recent upgrades in amplifier, preamp, and Townshend Isolation Pods under my speakers. I've never enjoyed music listening more at any time than I am right now at home.

Another point is though, I don't get out much at my age.




I am currently restoring paris of OTL amps for a customer who has the QUAD 57 speakers.  Counterpoint SA-4s and Fortier (spelling?).  I hope to get to hear them on the QUADs when finished.


Happy Listening.