Tubegroover, lots of rational people on this post. Unfortunately, trusting your ears is trial and error. There really is no predicting what you might hear. I had an experience yesterday of this. I had a new isolation platform and tried it under two amps. It helped one slightly and the other enormously. I think maybe this is a matter of isolation of the ac transformer in the two amps. One is better isolated I would hypothesize and thus the effective rack did little, But the second amp far surpasses the first. Fortunately I own the second one, not the first.
How long am I going to continue this trial and error? I've owned 29 different speakers. My present speakers weigh 198 pounds each and I'm in a second floor listening room. I doubt if I will ever replace them until I have to downsize greatly. Amplifiers that weigh close to 100 pounds also are unlikely to be replaced either. Enjoy the ride while you can guys!
How long am I going to continue this trial and error? I've owned 29 different speakers. My present speakers weigh 198 pounds each and I'm in a second floor listening room. I doubt if I will ever replace them until I have to downsize greatly. Amplifiers that weigh close to 100 pounds also are unlikely to be replaced either. Enjoy the ride while you can guys!