Best place/person to upgrade the Sony CDP-707ES

I have a mint condition Sony, CDP-707ES; beautiful, bronze, wood end caps, not a scratch on it. As I am reading more and more, I have realized it has sort of a cult following, and there are several people and/or places that deem it worthy of modification. I would like your opinions on the plan itself, and who you would recommend to perform the upgrades.
Try TRL (Tube Research Labs) I know they do very good work on newer Sony machines.
Is it CDP-X707ES or is it CDP-707ESd? If it's the first one you have your hands on one of the best CD transports ever built that is in the league with TEAC VRDS and the old Philips CDM-1 Pro.

If it's the second one, I'd suggest you forget about modding it because parts are no longer available for it. The laser pick up will be dead sooner than later and then there is nothing you can do about it.

Are you looking to mod this unit as a stand alone CD player or Digital Transport only?

I agree! Do not even think about changing a Sony CDP-707ESD deck. This $1800 deck was built by Sony as a statement piece, with American, dual Burr Brown 18 bit d-a converters, lined with copper to reduce emf, and their best transport. They have a catalog of o.e. parts they sell to other companies (it is printed in six languages). When the Sony rep showed it to me , he stressed that Sony will not sell their best transport, the one used in this deck. Remember, if you can put your little finger under a cd player and lift it, it's junk! The only plastic on this deck is the display widow.