Best Power Cord

I am in the process of replacing my MIT Z cords on both my Bryston 9B THX amp and my Wadia 850. The system that the 850 is in has synergistic cables throughout and a Master Coupler for my Pass X-150. The Bryston is in my HT system and I use a combination of Nordost I/Cs and HT Pro 9 speaker cables.

Any thoughts for power cords for either or both of these components would be appreciated. I am thinking of perhaps a Black Mamba for the 850, but have read mixed reviews of that P/C. I also am thinking about a BMI Whale for the Bryston, but have not heard the whale yet. Any other cables I should be considering. I would like to stay in the sub $600 (used) price range.
I don't know if it's the best,I haven't heard them all, but in my system the Acoustic Zen Krakatoa beats the heck out of the Shunyata King Cobra. I was comparing them on a Wadia 860x. The King Cobra sounded dark, slow and muddy compared to the quick, tight and tuneful Krakatoa.
Try out the Virtual Dynamics Signature with Cryogenic treatment. Get the Reference w/cryo if you want to save a little more.
There are many threads about these power cables on Audiogon.
NBS is one that can be considered among the best, but a costly consideration. I have had very good results using PS Audio LAB II power cords on my Krell amps. Very musical and involving, but I have also used Purist Audio Design Proteus with very good results. good luck!