@mdrone Roon has no universal or global software issues the vast majority of time. Issues are individual and anecdotal, usually network issues.
I've had a single issue in many years of usage. In my case, using Fire tablet as remote, Amazon didn't keep up with updating Fire downloads for Roon Remote, as a result remote became unstable. Ended up switching to Android Tablet, no more problems.
You should speak to Andrew at SMG to determine issue.
If you're determined to quit Roon, you're pretty much on own, even the servers with proprietary music OS use Roon as library/interface for those OS. I've used Audirvana in past, the new studio looks good, I bet sounds good as well. You need to have latest OS on server to run Studio.
I'm not aware of a single ready to use server that doesn't use Roon, you'll have to diy configure any other music player.