Best sounding "budget" integrated amp for Vandersteen 2C.

Looking for the best sounding "budget" integrated amp for use with an Vandersteen 2C (1980’s version) speakers. CD source alternates between a Sony PS1 and Cal Audio Icon II Power Boss. Budget is roughly $300, maybe up to $400. I’ve been thinking something from NAD, but with all the different models out there, I have no idea which models are the best sounding--regardless of power. It will also need to have a phono stage. I’d like to have a remote too, but it’s not a deal breaker. My system is in a second bedroom, so even though I like to crank every once in a while, most of the time I'm listening at reasonable levels. My listening tastes consists of stuff like Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Tangerine Dream, etc.

In my original post, I indicated NAD. But, I had been thinking about the Yamaha A-S models as well... 301, 500, 501, etc. I’m glad there were a lot of responses on those Yammy models, as I was curious as to what they really sounded like--compared to NAD, Rotel, as well as the British integrateds from Creek, Arcam and Rega.

Fun fact: the Yamaha integrateds were voiced in Britain.

Did I already recommend an Arcam? I really really like the sound of those integrateds. 
Other than the addition of a DAC, are there any SONIC differences between the Yamaha A-S501 and A-S500? 
Other than the addition of a DAC, are there any SONIC differences between the Yamaha A-S501 and A-S500?
Nope, they have the same exact amp section. 
As a former McIntosh owner (amp, pre-amp, speakers) in the budget/mid range integrated I recommend The Yamaha AS-801.  I own one and have I've never looked back on my decision.