Best speaker between 15K-35K

Hi there, I am interested in everyones opinion as to what is the best speaker between 15-35K. I know is is a big range but I can afford up to 35K. Mark Levinson 432 is probably the amp and AR tube Reference 2MKII is the preamp (their top of the line) Tri Vista is the SACD. PLEASE HELP. I was thinkiing about Vandys 5As, Watt/puppys 7, Salons Avalons whatever you guys think. Thanks in advance to all the great minds.

Showing 2 responses by keithr

I tell you what. After going to CES, and hearing a lot, the Talon Firebirds really are extraordinary.

The W/P 7s were terrible, but i suspect the room there.

The Dynaudio C2s sounded great as well.

Kharmas sounded good, but i thought there was better sound at the show.