Best speaker between 15K-35K

Hi there, I am interested in everyones opinion as to what is the best speaker between 15-35K. I know is is a big range but I can afford up to 35K. Mark Levinson 432 is probably the amp and AR tube Reference 2MKII is the preamp (their top of the line) Tri Vista is the SACD. PLEASE HELP. I was thinkiing about Vandys 5As, Watt/puppys 7, Salons Avalons whatever you guys think. Thanks in advance to all the great minds.
As appealing as it is to weigh in on this convo, I gotta agree with all those who mention the room environment and the listener’s expectations as a key to finding the right speaker.  Do you want or require high volume “live concert” SPLs?  Are we talking symphony or hip hop?  The budget is enough to get great results any number of ways. Know the target before choosing the weapon!
Sounds like you are not set
on the Amp or preamps yet also. You may want to take a VERY serious look at the Atma-Sphere MP-1 pre amp and a set of MA-1 amps. Very very nice stuff. JMHO
Keith! 2004, I wonder how many speakers made in 04 are still in production today? When you think about it speakers from then to now have only changed in more metal drivers being used and that while having a higher ceiling is also more difficult to find the best components to get the best out of them. 

I had expected more progress in room integration to have been made, not in wall, but actual room friendly speakers.