for music listening, the forest speakers do not need a sub. if your sound is anemic sounding thru the forests, either you are not driving the speaker with the correct amount of power, or your source equipment is at fault. starting with the hawks on up, totem provides ample bass for 2 channel listening. for example, i now use totem mani 2's in my different rooms. when i first got them, i used a yamaha dsp receiver (140 claimed watts) to power a set of mani's for my ht setup. the sound was terrible. anemic, dull, etc... i had a pair of good quality monoblocks (around 150 watts) that i used to power another set of mani's for my 2 channel setup and the sound was totally different: very musical, big bottom end, and much faster sounding. with the other totems speakers i have owned in the past (model 1's, arros, in-walls), they thrived on a good quality amp with lots of power.