Best speakers for Pink Floyd?

What do you think??
Interesting question as I have often wondered why PF does not have the bass I remember feeling and hearing on speakers of the yore.  I am sure it may have something to do with the refinement in sound over the years or maybe its just my mind playing tricks.  What ever the reason, and I am sure many will consider this plain criminal, I jack the bass up substantially on my Mac when listening to PF albums.  And It works for me.  
PF sounds terrific on my Tannoy Canterbury's but then pretty much everything does.  Love cranking up the wall late at night to house shaking levels.  Neighbors are wondering what the hell is going on over there!
You'll be amazed with a DIVATECH BIOSONIC (by Jean Philippe MARTIN) Not a lot of systems around the world'll beat that machine.
the calibre of original posts here is really in decline. i want to know the best speakers for live at leads by the who, a much more essential query
The best speakers for the Who are whatever they set up in a 10,000 seat arena!