FWIW.......I'm on last of three day in-home audition of Harbeth P3s.
As I've mentioned,my current speakers are B&W 303s. Long story
short,since I just posted a lengthy post on another thread.....I found the P3s to be everything they are said to be on the many,many threads and reviews I read . A speaker I could easily live with for a
long time, just a beautiful sound to me . My B&Ws have held their
own quite well though so I will keep them and let the Harbeths go,at
least for now.Who knows what the future will bring. Once the bug hits
it's hard to quell. Glad to find that the 303s present themselves so
well against such a well regarded speaker as the P3. Lessons learned......audition at home if possible. I've bought my amp used,the McCormack DNA 1 (of original subject of this thread) without a listen,and more recently a Modwright 9.0 ss rectified ,also
without hearing first,and both have been stellar performers.But I think
the nature of speakers calls for a listen first,and like I said,a home
audition is very helpful. This audition has also showed me first hand
that you are the best judge of what " sounds good " . Not always
easy to decide for yourself . Kind of like sticking your neck out a bit.
With that I'll sign off. Love the P3 sound but will sit tight for now
with no regrets.