Best Speakers with a DNA-1?

I don't want to hijack the contemporaneous discussion of "Speakers costing range of 2500-3500 per pair" on another thread (question by @spendmoney), but I'm curious to know if any of the answers would have been different if the amp were a McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe instead of the Denon 4311-ci.  I'm using this amp to power a pair of Polk LSIM 707's now, and am contemplating my next move.  If any of the responders to that post would care to weigh in here, I'd appreciate it.
This is where I tend to disagree with CT.
Though I understand his reticence regarding 'used speakers', I haven't had any issues buying used. (In fact, I bought his speakers). As I pointed out, buying a recent iteration is a good way to get the most current 'sound' that Vandersteen offers, it also means the speaker hasn't been used or sat around for a long time, either.
In my humble opinion, I would get a pair of Treo's over the 2 or 3 series, as it is a more recent design that has benefited from the design of the Quatro, 5 and 7's. Also, it looks much nicer and takes up less space (especially, when compared to the 3's).
If monies are limited, then a pair of 2ce sigs. I had the 3a sigs and hated the outrigger Sound Anchors. They took up so much room and made them difficult to position. 
With any Vandy below the Quatro, it would behoove you to add some subs, like the 2w or 2wq. A very subtle but definitive improvement.
Geez, another big +1 for gdnrbob.  I agree with everything he said as long as you buy a recent iteration of whatever Vandy speaker you decide upon.  RV does too many upgrades to his designs over time to go with an old version of any of his models.  Good luck.  If you go with Vandersteen's you will have a musically satisfying system as long as you feed them a clean signal.
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I agree with Bob and Hifiman.  As for used gear, there are some great stories and some not so great ones.  As long as you have an idea of who you are getting it from and or can see/hear it first (Bob came over and listened for a bit before taking them).  I have been burned a few times, so I get a bit skittish on speakers.  I'd never get a used pair that used foam surrounds.  The only problem with older drivers is that the materials on them wear out after a period of time.  The newer materials won't do that and if they do, the life span will be much much longer.  For components, caps and things do dry up and fail over time, so that's also a concern.  That's one reason I alway send out older components to be looked at and upgraded as needed.  Even on the Onix integrated I'm going to sell, I had someone check it out a couple of years ago and install some new caps etc.. as needed.  It's just a buyers beware deal. 

I know on used Vandersteen's, I've seen guys send them back for the upgrades (if any are offered) and pass that cost along to the next owner as he will only upgrade if it's the original buyer.  I've seen that set up in the past and then the person purchasing them, knows they are getting a speaker that is latest and greatest AND has mostly new components.  Works out great for all.  Just another thought.