Best standmounts with a 7" woofer/driver

Hi All,

Love to her recommendations on bookshelf speakers with a 7 inch woofer. I know I should not focus everything on driver size, but I would like a bookshelf that can move some air. Big sound. I currently own Revival Atalante 3.They have a nice 7 inch driver. Just shopping for possible upgrades. My room is 14' X 12'

Please share your best bookshelf speakers... High end only.



Fritz’s speakers would fit that bill.  Joseph Audio Pulsars (both versions) would as well,  Harbeth, Dynaudio, and Spendor have been mentioned already.  You might consider ATC as well.  I’m sure you saw @grislybutter ’s list which is great.  You can use that to research what others think of various sound profiles and then audition some yourself, if you can, to see what you like.

Buy a used pair of Joseph Audio Pulsars (either version) and compare.  It’s got a 5.5” midwoof but goes lower than the Revivals (by measurements) and by all accounts moves more air than expected for their size.  The bonus is you get that magical asymmetric crossover that delivers an expansive and effortless 3D soundstage and pulls off an amazing disappearing act few can match.  Very easy to sell if you’re not blown away.  Just one option FWIW. 

You know me, I own Atalante 3 monitors and feel that anything you get would be, at  best, a sideways move. When auditioning (and that's what you should be doing), give the new speakers time to break in and then put the Atalante 3 back in to have a better take on whether it's an actual improvement. 

All the best,

My choice is always the Totem Mani II. Although the bass driver is 6 1/2”, there are two in an isobarik formation. I haven’t heard all the stand mounts out there, but nothing else comes close. With great stands and a proper amp they are excellent, and bass that’s matched by no one in the stand mount world. Well, except for those crazy expensive Wilson’s I listened to at the Audio Show last year.