Blue Sound Vault

The quality of the recorded sound is not as from my transport through my dac.  I tried the Vault through my dac and it is still of a lesser quality.  All suggestions are welcome.  Steve

The vault was bought this year.  It is the latest version. Thanks in advance for any help.


Are you having it rip in FLAC or WAV ?   I believe there is a choice in the menu.    Funny thing about  the Vault, I ripped all of my discs, but I find myself streaming and using it's other features than playing my ripped files. 

The Vault does a lot for its price point but the rest of your equipment is pretty good and is revealing the limitations of Bluesound as a digital transport.  Spending a few hundred dollars will get you a noticeable improvement in streaming or playing files from a HD.  My Bluesound stuff sounded best in my mid Fi systems 

Thinking about it further, if I’m you I’d start saving for an Innuos Zen Mk3 that’ll undoubtedly boost your sound quality significantly rather than spending $$$ trying to make the Vault sound better.  They can be had around $2k used, and if you sell the Vault it’d offset a good chunk of that.  If feasible that’s what I’d do.  Here’s an example available now…

Solution that was cheap and enhanced the sound tremendously.  A techie friend suggested turning the volume to max on the Vault.  This allows the preamp to control the volume.  What did I have to lose?  I was extremely surprised by the improvement.  Not perfect but very good.  Thanks again to all   Steve