Bought a system without auditioning, thoughts?

Long story but I ended up buying a system without auditioning a single component and haven’t set it up, what are your thoughts? Technic SL 1210 GR, nagaoka mp-500, eversolo dmp-a6, pass labs xp 17, pass labs int-250, klipsch forte iv, Cardas clear Cygnus speaker cable, Cardas clear interconnects, Cardas clear Cygnus phono cable.  I know I don’t need the int-250 for the klipsch but got a great deal.


I have a pair of Forte IV , I really like them.  I have used them with 40 watt PP tube amps, 7 watt 300b , and a 40 watt SS Integrated Amp.    

I bought an Integrated Amp for a second system and hooked it up to the Forte ... sounded so good I left it my main room for three weeks. 

My Dad has the Eversolo A6 and it is an excellent unit. 

The Technics / XP17. ?   can't imagine going wrong there...

The Pass is a great Amp, hopefully the system surpasses your expectations 


The Forte IV has many wonderful reviews and seems to deliver a good bit at this price point. I don’t dislike Klipsch in that I have a Klipsch 9:1 system. I was thinking of running a low wattage system, since I’ve had great success with a 300b amplifier at eight watts per channel, but I didn’t find the Forte IV to sound right to my ears. That really shocked me in that I chose a dealer specifically because they had the Forte IV. I bet they sound better with tube amplifiers. That said, after visiting a couple of vendors, I ended spending many multiples of the Klipsch price to get the sound that I was after and I ended up with a power amplifier similar to what you have. So, here we have a speaker that seem to elicit very different responses and perhaps that also has something to do with how they are driven. After hearing them, I don’t think that you will be left wondering if they are what you want. You will know if they are to your taste.

The ONLY criteria for buying a system is HOW IT SOUNDS TO YOU.  I have heard a lot of very positively reviewed equipment that has disappointed when auditioned.  I will never buy equipment that I have never heard.  Even phono cartridges, the least expensive piece of equipment in my system (currently a Lyra Skala).    

Should sound nice, but I will say you're buying 225wpc more power than you need with Klipsch speakers. If you can exchange the int250 for one of the lower powered ones.  Specifically one of the Class A amps, as class A amps IMO sound better with Klipsch speakers and you don't need the power with close to 100db and 8ohm load.  You may even find you can do separates at lower power than a big integrated. no point buying power if you don't need it unless your thinking other less efficient speakers down the road.